I've been majorly stressed lately. I can't fall asleep at night, and once I fall alseep I don't stay alseep. I seriously have not slept all the way through the night in three weeks now.I'm thinking these are some reasons why...
1. It all started when Jelani went missing
2. Then they found his body... one of the hardest days of my life
3. Then there was the funeral
4. It was the most difficult funeral I've ever been to
5. I had to see my brother entirly broken hearted because he was one of his best friends
6. I miss his smile
7. My brother has not been himself in weeks over this
8. Then, I'm meating with my potential landlord on monday
9. If that goes well I have to make a final decision about moving
10. If I make that decision (which I will) I move in 2 months
11. If I'm going to be moving in 2 months I have to quit my job
12. I'm not worried about the quitting part... the actual leaving part
13. I'm comfortable at my current job... I know things here, security... you know?
14. If I quit my job, that means I have to find a new one
15. Which brings me to the stressful task of job hunting
16. I'm going this Wednesday to apply everywhere in the world
17. What a way to spend your "day off" right?
18. I'm already suuuuper stressed with my job as it is
19. My boss abuses my flexibility
20. My schedule is never just my schedule
So yeah... I think that those all add to the stress and I just want to sleep all the way through the night ONE TIME!